Prodisc C Disc Replacement
Disc Replacement
Total Disc Replacement (TDR) may be a solution for some patients with degenerative disc disease as an alternative to spinal fusion-providing the possibility for motion in the affected area.
Dr. Moazzaz offers prodisc®, an advanced disc replacement technology from Centinel Spine with exceptional, well documented results in patients suffering from degenerative disc disease.
About prodisc®
prodisc® is a Total Disc Replacement (TDR) technology platform that offers a surgical treatment proven to maintain spinal balance and motion, decelerate adjacent level reoperations, and accelerate the return to normal activities.
Centinel Spine is currently the only company in the United States to offer Total Disc Replacement devices for both the cervical and lumbar artificial disc replacement:
Prodisc C Vivo: Total Disc Replacement
Why prodisc C?
Design Benefits
Implant Fixation

The unique combination of an anatomically-designed superior endplate with lateral spikes provides immediate fixation strength equivalent to prodisc C.1
Fit to Patient Anatomy

Prodisc C Vivo incorporates an anatomical domed, superior endplate shape for optimized implant positioning.
Reduced Intraoperative Remodeling

The prodisc C Vivo device incorporates an anatomical trapezoidal footprint.
Optimized Surgical Technique

One-Step Insertion
Prodisc C Vivo is inserted into the disc space in a single step.

Wide Selection of Size Options
18 options are available to accommodate anatomical variation: 6 footprints and 3 heights (5-7mm).
Prodisc C Vivo Surgical Technique
Regain Your Life with prodisc
Recovery After Cervical Total Disc Replacement
Patient Testimonials
Brian Gay
Rory Sabbatini
Proven Technology
of prodisc in the last 30 years, worldwide2
studying the prodisc technology platform3