Do I Need Back Surgery?
Do I need back surgery – A Good Housekeeping article reports, Of the 56 million Americans who have back pain, only 5 percent need surgery. And NPR reports in the article, Surgery May Not Be the Answer to An AchingBack, Too many complex back surgeries are being done and people are suffering as a result, according to a study in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association….In the past few years, several studies have failed to show a big advantage for surgery — especially for complex surgery.

For certain physical defects that are clearly diagnosed, surgery can indeed serve as a fitting and highly therapeutic solution.In other cases, however, even the most proficiently performed surgeries do not succeed in relieving all forms of back pain.
AtNew EraSpine, no patientwill be pressuredinto spine surgery. Unless it’s an emergency, spine surgery iselective. And in many cases,physical therapy and other alternative treatments can produce far better results. It is even recommended that a patient tryalternative therapies for half a year before orthopedic spine surgery is even considered.
Specific conditions that often requirespine surgery in San Diego are:
- Disc degeneration
- Bone spurs
- Spinal stenosis
- Scoliosis
- Kyphosis
- Certain spinal cord tumors
- Certain cases of spinal instability
Surgerymay be required to treat conditions that involve spinal cord pressure, as evidenced by leg and arm numbness or tingling. Yetback pain is often attributed to other causes, not all of which can be resolved through surgical means.
To diagnose and resolve any back condition, arrangea consultation with Dr. Payam Moazzaz at New Era Spine. He will get to the root of the problem and address any issues you have. By educating you about your condition and the steps needed to remedy it, Dr. Moazzaz will work with you in a team effort to relieve and resolve your pain.