Practice Policy Update regarding COVID-19


  • Preparing for Your Cervical Spinal Fusion

    Preparing for Your Cervical Spinal Fusion

    A cervical spinal fusion is needed to keep the spine stable after injury, infection, or a tumor. When symptoms such as numbness or weakness in the arm suggest that a neck problem is causing a pinched nerve (radiculopathy), surgery may help you feel better faster. Surgery can be stressful, but educating yourself can help alleviate some of the stress and set you up for a successful surgery.

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  • Dehydration and Risk of Orthopedic Injuries

    Dehydration and Risk of Orthopedic Injuries

    Dehydration is defined as a harmful reduction in the amount of water and electrolytes in the body. Dehydration causes a loss of energy, a decline in strength and coordination, as well as impaired reaction time. Your risk of orthopedic injuries increase when you are dehydrated as your muscles are less pliable and do not move as well. Muscle cramps and fatigue lead to heightened risk for muscle sprains, muscle tears and bone fractures.

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  • Common Spinal Injuries While Playing Football and How to Avoid Them

    Common Spinal Injuries While Playing Football and How to Avoid Them

    Football is one of America’s favorite pastimes. From “pee-wee” leagues to professional football, the impact the sport has is ingrained in our society. It's important to recognize the risk that comes along with playing a contact sport such as football. Spinal injuries remain a serious concern in the game for all ages.

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  • Back Pain Facts

    Back Pain Facts

    Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. Most people with low back pain recover quickly, however recurrence is common and for a small percentage of people the condition will become chronic and disabling.

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  • Are Spinal Injections a Safe Option to Treat My Chronic Back Pain?

    Are Spinal Injections a Safe Option to Treat My Chronic Back Pain?

    More than 90% of people will have back pain at some point in their lives. If you have tried noninvasive treatments like pain medications and physical therapy to alleviate your chronic back pain without much benefit, you may be a candidate for spinal injection therapy.

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  • What to Expect after a Spinal Stenosis Diagnosis?

    What to Expect after a Spinal Stenosis Diagnosis?

    Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal narrows to compress the spinal cord and nerves. This may cause symptoms like back pain and stiffness with radiation of pain down the arms and legs. The condition generally gets worse as you age and can cause significant disability. Here’s what to expect after a spinal stenosis diagnosis.

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