Practice Policy Update regarding COVID-19


  • Undiagnosed Back Pain? Your SI Joint Might Be the Issue

    Undiagnosed Back Pain? Your SI Joint Might Be the Issue

    Lower back pain can have many causes such as muscle spasm or disc herniation. An often overlooked reason for low back pain is an SI joint disorder. Here are some indications that an SI joint issue is the cause of your undiagnosed back pain.

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  • The Giant Puzzle of Low Back Pain-Making Sense Out of Solutions & Diagnosis

    The Giant Puzzle of Low Back Pain-Making Sense Out of Solutions & Diagnosis

    Low back pain can be a very complicated and personal experience. A person with simple muscle strain may have severe low back pain while another with significant ....

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  • Are You a Candidate for an Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?

    Are You a Candidate for an Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery?

    Artificial disc replacement is the surgical removal of any of the rubbery discs present in the spine and its replacement with an artificial implant. It is an advanced spine surgery that aims to relieve painful symptoms while preserving spine mobility. Here are possible indications that you might be a candidate for artificial spine surgery.

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  • Exercises to Strengthen your Sore Back

    Exercises to Strengthen your Sore Back

    Back pain is a very common complaint that everyone gets at some point in their lives. It can happen for a variety of reasons and there are many possible treatments, but exercising is often the best way to deal with the back pain. Here are a few exercises to strengthen your sore back and get back to life.

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  • When is the Right time for Spine Surgery?

    When is the Right time for Spine Surgery?

    Back pain is the most common type of chronic pain in the US. Almost everyone has had it at some point in their lives and it usually gets better with time if you modify your activities

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  • Preparing for Your Spinal Fusion

    Preparing for Your Spinal Fusion

    Spinal fusion is a well-established method for treating spinal instability and spinal nerve impingement. Symptoms patients experience could include back pain that radiates to the extremities, numbness, loss of bowel or bladder function, and inability to walk even short distances.

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